Wednesday, June 8, 2011


You see them everywhere. It ceases to amaze me how many people not only buy them but believe everything they see and read. I feel bad for celebrities who have to deal with vicious rumors or have their lifes plastered all over newstands. It is one thing if you want to read the magazines for entertainment but take everything you read with a grain of salt. I cannot tell you how many times my friends will say "Did you see Kim Kardashian cheated on her fiance" or "I can't believe Angelina and Brad separated!" Most of the time, they see these rumors and more often than not, lies, on magazines.

It's important for media sources to realize the hurt these rumors can have on celebrity lives and relationships. I think there should be more restrictions on tabloids, I do not think it is right to plaster people's business, especially fabricated information all over a magazine. I understand they are celebrities, but they are people too and we should respect that they want privacy especially during difficult times. I could not imagine being Sandra Bullock and having my divorce and humiliation surrounding me on television, magazine covers, and on the radio. As for us viewers, we simply cannot buy into what we see. Often times, magazines will have false information on the cover just to SELL it to us and then when we actually read the story, you realize it's twisted all around. For example, my friend brought U.S. Weekly (magazine) to the beach the other day, on the front it said "Kim Kardashian is pregnant." The full inside story just clearly stated the she wanted to have a baby one day and was not pregnant at the moment. The tabloids seem to be getting worse and worse.

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