Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I turned on TLC today because I love watching "Say Yes to the Dress," however, it seems everytime I turn on that channel, there is ALWAYS a cake show on. It first started with Cake Boss and now there are so many different versions of it. I feel the media always seems to do this. When one show becomes a hit, they copy it and make 10 slightly different versions of it. We've also done this with reality tv, bride shows, teen pregnancy, and large families, just to name a few. I think it is getting a bit ridiculous. How many different cakes can we see? How are these shows making us productive or teaching us anything? The amount of entertainment shows out there way surpass educational or constructive shows. No wonder why our generation wants to grow up so fast, because all they see on tv is pregnant teens and women searching for their bridal gowns.

The media has a way of overdoing everything. Humans are naturally never satisfied and just like the media, they are not satisfied with the success of one cake show, they have to have 5. How many sequels to movies are there nowadays? The Hangover wasn't good enough, they had to make a Hangover 2 and a Transformers 2. What makes a movie such a classic is that it is so different from the rest so when we start making sequels to every movie, they lose originality. I used to like the show, "Cake Boss," but now that there are other shows like it, I've lost interest.


  1. I agree that the media gets too excited when something becomes successful. Talent shows, anybody? There are too many to even name! Once the media gets hold of something that has success, they run with it. And that is just how it is, because that is how the money is made. If one cake show is successful, they know another one will be successful as well. Some of the tings are getting a bit out of control though- stop making Pirates of the Caribbean movies, and Hangovers. The first ones are always the best anyways.

  2. I agree, it's a total lack of inspiration. The problem is people watch all of them, too, and when theres demand there's supply. I find it funny, though.. Dog rescue shows are popular.. shows about "little people" famlies are popular, so they now have Pit Boss, which embodies them both! Also, I notice a lot of shows have some kind of ethnic mafia/Italian family undertone, like Pit Boss, Cake Boss.

  3. When you're dealing with a 500-channel environment, programmers are absolutely DESPERATE for content, and half-baked remakes (!) are more rule than exception. Now I would tune in to a show that would teach me how to make Lithuanian wedding cakes...
