Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stereotypes in Media

As you watch commercials, tv shows, and films, notice the use gender roles and ethnicity stereotypes. I once did a research proposal on the use of interracial stereotypes in children's commercials, they are one of the most obvious. Most times you will see dominantly white children with one or two AHANA children (African, Hispanic, Asian, Native American). However, they are not only seen in children's television but everywhere in the media. Women are shown as more passive, domesticated while men are portrayed as aggressive, successful, and in power. Women are also being dictated by the media as to what is beautiful and viewed as desirable. Different ethnicities are portrayed in stereotypical ways including Whites and Asians as intelligent and in leadership roles while African Americans are constantly associated with sports, music, and crime. It is sad to see in today's society that we can't break free of these stereotypes. You are more likely to watch a film with only African American actors geared towards African Americans and white actors geared towards white audiences. Next time you watch a commercial, film, and television show, notice the use of steretypes within gender and ethnicity.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, and I too have focused on the topic of Stereotyping in the media. I have noticed all the interracial couples in commercials, which I can say is a good thing for the media to improve, since interracial relationships are becoming more and more common. Check out this web commercial for online dating if you get a chance:
    Perfect example of how the media is trying to show interracial couples. (cheesy i must say) but i did like the slogan at the ending.
    As for stereotyping, I completely agree with your view on media and ethnicity stereotypes, however in my opinion are these stereotypes really off? Meaning are they false? I think people who follow a certain, genera of music, style, crowd or lifestyle wont always fit into a stereotypic crowed of certain people, but i do think stereotype these days are pretty right on. But it is sad, that we cant break from this idea of groups.
