Thursday, June 9, 2011

Reliance on Technology

Has it ever occured to you, how much you rely on technology throughout your day? I was at the airport last week and was thinking about how much I use technology throughout the day. It starts with my alarm clock on my cell phone, then I usually call my boyfriend to say good morning. I then go on my computer to check my email, assignments, and use iTunes to play music while I'm getting ready. Then when I got to the airport, while I was waiting to board, I was playing games on my ipad. Once I got on the plane, I was reading my textbook on my ipad. When we landed, I turned my phone back on to check messages and call my family member who was picking me up. And this is all before 12 PM!! It is absolutely mind boggling to think about how much and how often we use and rely on technology.

I've been trying to be more aware of how much I use my devices and have been trying to cut back on how much I use them. Especially in the summer, yesterday I went to the beach and didn't bring my phone or ipad with me, just spent quality time with my friends. It felt SO good, I kind of liked the idea of being cell phone free especially because it's more of an obsession than a necessity. I am constantly using my phone to check Facebook or Twitter when I'm board instead of doing something productive. This is the first summer I've taken online courses and I am actually really enjoying it. It has given me something to do besides work and go to the beach, I feel more productive while keeping my mind sharp. Aside from having to use my computer for school, I'm trying to be more cautious of using other devices less often.


  1. It's really eye-opening, isn't it? Lately, I've been wandering about without checking my phone, and in the middle of the day I'll find numerous text messages. I just want to text them back, "go outside", lol.
    This time any year prior, though, I would have scoffed at the idea! But I wonder if it's because I'm aware of my usage, or I've become that much more aloof and absent-minded. Who knows.

  2. I totally agree, it's crazy how much we use and RELY on technology every day--every minute even. I had to do a log for a media lit class I took a couple semesters ago and I was shocked at how many hours I spent using technology every day--I think it was something like 9 or 10 hours!

    What's worse is how we deal with NOT having the technology when we want it. I hate hate hate not having access to my phone when I need it-whether it be dead or I lose it or if I'm in an area with no reception. Lately I've been good about leaving my phone behind and not having it with me at all times of the day, but it totally freaks me out just thinking of what I would do if I couldn't use the Internet, my cell, my iPod, anything electronic for an extended amount of time. Call me crazy, but I feel like people can all agree with me.
