Friday, June 17, 2011

Less and Less Personal

I've been waitressing at the same little diner for the past 5 years. It was great money when I was 16 but now I know I could handle a classier restaurant and make better tips and meet new people. I've been thinking about where to apply and thought the restaurants in Patriot Place must do quite well. I went by a few different restaurants today to pick up some applications and at 3 out of the 4 places I went to, they told me to go online and apply. Obviously I haven't been living in a cave and realize people apply to jobs online nowadays but now it's becoming rare to have to pick up an application. I don't like this for 2 reasons. 1) I've always hated putting such personal information out of the internet (phone number, social security #, etc.) I don't mind if I get the job and they need that stuff but why do they need it right up front especially if I'm not even a considered applicant. 2) I really dislike the impersonal part of it all. I almost feel hopeless when filling out an application online because I feel like I'll just get lost in the pile of applications. It's so much easier to leave an impression with someone (the manager) in person.

I almost wish that one had a choice. You can either apply online or still apply in person. I think having an option would be best because some people prefer applying online, I just like that personal connection that you can make with a manager when dropping off an application. But while I was driving home, I couldn't stop thinking about how literally EVERYTHING around us is much less personal than it used to be because of technology especially the internet. I hate to say it but I feel it's just making us lazier and lazier. No longer do we go out and pick up an application, no longer do we have to leave our homes to purchase food, clothes, or anything. Anything we want delivered right to our door is done with the click of a mouse. It's almost scary how much technology is incorporated into everything we do.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the things that makes me refuse to give in 100 percent into technology. Society is losing the ability to communicate face to face.
