Saturday, June 4, 2011

Brave Behind Technology

One of the things I have noticed with the use of text messaging, emails, instant messaging, or any non-verbal communication, through the Internet or our devices, is that people have a tendency to be particularly brave behind technology. I think we all have done this at one point or another. When I've had to cancel plans or something I feel bad about, I usually send a text message instead of calling the person. It is easier to tell people things or say your true feelings without having face-to-face contact or even hearing their voice. Another example, when my boss texts me and asks if I can go into work early, I usually don't (especially if it's nice outside!) but if she calls me and I hear her voice, I am more likely to say "yes," simply because it is harder to tell someone "no" than it is to write it. I can't believe how many times my friends have told me their boyfriends broke up with them via text message or through instant messaging. It is mind-boggling to think a person can make such a decision without face-to-face contact. I understand why people do it, because it's the easier option but I don't agree with it. This is one of the negative aspects of technology, we lack interpersonal skills.

In essence, we sometimes "hide" behind our cell phones or computers. Take cyber-bullying for instance. People are a lot more likely nowadays to bully online because they can do it anonymously without showing their face or getting in trouble sometimes. This has become a very serious matter in society and people have even taken their lives because they have been bullied so badly online. One of the culprits involved, of course, is social networking. It makes cyber bullying too easy and accessible. People are a lot more likely to publish something horrific about someone on the Internet because they think they won't have to deal with the consequences as opposed to doing it in school and also because it can reach a large amount of people within seconds. This is something we must deal with in our school systems and at home, it's important we don't take technology for granted and use it in a destructive, sometimes fatal way.


  1. Great topic to bring up. My boss also texts me, and for one I just think it is so unprofessional and I am much more apt to hide behind typed words and decline someone asking me to do something. It's so hard to make real-time connections nowadays, in my opinion, because everyone is hiding behind that digital mask.

  2. I definitely agree with your statements made here. There have been multiple times when I have had conversations via texting that would not go the same way as if it were in person. The 'hiding' that people do behind technology is a problem that needs to be addressed. I also think it is unprofessional for bosses to text, but I guess that the world itself is becoming a lot more relaxed.

  3. Everything you said is so true! People use technology as a way to hide from and avoid face to face communication and confrontation. It's funny how people will say certain things when they're behind a screen but they'd never say them directly to your face-case and point people breaking up with each other via text or IM. I've had guys dump me through text so they can avoid seeing or hearing me react.

    It's just sad that we've come to a point where we avoid face-to-face communication and like maria and michaela said, hide behind a digital mask.
