Thursday, June 16, 2011

Advertisements Take Over

We've had commercials for as long as I can remember but advertisements have gone to a whole new level in past years. Thank goodness for DVR because now an hour show can be cut down to a half hour just be fast forwarding through commercials. It is crazy to think for an hour, you are watching half of the actual show and the other half on commercials. Not only has commercials taken over and seem to last forever but you can no longer watch a youtube video without their being an advertisement first. I think it is sad that you can't escape the world of marketing even when you want to watch a minute clip on a broadcasting site.

I understand why we have advertisements but honestly, on youtube? And on the radio? Who listens to the radio for advertisements, people listen to the radio for music, I don't know anyone that searches for advertisements. Honestly, when I see an advertisement before I watch a youtube clip, I am so annoyed that I have to watch it, I am less likely to buy the product. The advertisement company is actually doing more harm than good in that situation. They are also on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, you cannot escape them. I feel like marketing is trying to take over every source of media.

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